Tuesday, February 18, 2014


So this week I am going to be talking about CrossFit. I am sure almost all of you have heard about CrossFit because this new craze is sweeping the nation. But if you have not. This is basically CrossFit.

According to crossfit.com, it is:

"CrossFit itself is defined as that which optimizes fitness (constantly varied functional movements performed at a relatively high intensity)."


CrossFit then is basically a workout that focuses on "constantly varied functional movements performed at a relatively high intensity". CrossFit workouts can vary from anything from pushups, to rope climbs, to deadlifts, to walking handstands. The most important aspect of CrossFit to me is the high intensity. The way most crossfit workouts work is that you will have a series of exercises that you will try to complete as fast as you possibly can. So you might have 50 pullups, 50 squats, 50 box jumps, 50 pushups, 50 medicine ball wall tosses, 50 lunges, and 50 kettlebell swings. The goal is to work through that list one by one as fast as you can. The purpose of working through it as fast as you can is to keep your heart rate as high as possible.These types of workouts are good for groups of people because it allows each person to work at their own pace and complete the workout as fast or as slow as they need to go. This is why the CrossFit rage has swept across the country. A CrossFit gym can have a very intense person next to a beginner and the only difference will be the weight used and the time it takes the person to complete the workout. 

Rich Froning- has won the past three CrossFit games.
So what is the difference between a CrossFit workout and a normal hour spent in a gym? CrossFit workouts are essential a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. HIIT focuses on short bouts of very high intensity followed by a short rest or low intensity interval (jogging in place) and then back to high intensity. CrossFit fits into this category because you will do as many pullups as you can out of those 50 and then take a quick rest and then get right back to those pullups. I don't know about you but I can't do 50 pullups in a row so I would need a break for sure. So what are the benefits to this type of exercise? 

Well according to Dr. Tabata (who started the HIIT style) found that by doing very intense 20 second exercise bouts of 170% of VO2 max followed by 10 seconds of rest you could increase the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. The increase was found to be 7 ml/kg/min for VO2 and 28% increase for anaerobic energy. To understand this you need to know what VO2 max is. VO2 is the volume of oxygen consumed per minute and VO2 max is the threshold at which you can breathe and exhale oxygen/CO2 properly to keep your body at equilibrium. Basically, if you are working out at below VO2 max, then it will take you a very long time to get tired and have to stop (i.e. walking on a treadmill). If you are working at above VO2 max then your body will build up different chemicals that will cause you to get tired, have muscle burn, and make you feel like you need to stop (i.e.sprinting on a treadmill). 

SO Dr. Tabata's research basically showed that by working at a very high level (way over VO2 max) in short bouts will cause your body to increase it's ability to consume and process oxygen (aerobic) and the rate at which your muscles can produce energy without oxygen (anaerobic). These benefits, along with the reaching your weekly exercise recommendations, will help the body be able to do more work very quickly and for a longer period of time. This workout style is very hard because it pushes your body past where you think it can go which causes your body to adapt to that increased stimulus. Essentially, this type of workout is better than walking on a treadmill because it will raise your heart rate much higher and cause your lungs, heart, and muscles to work much harder than they are used to; which is good!

So far CrossFit is a great way to get in shape that pushes everyone to their max and encourages social support and team building to get through a tough workout. These workouts use a large variety of exercises that focuses on normal body movements to train your whole body. There are no negatives to CrossFit right? Well they might not be incredibly numerous but there are definitely negatives that you need to careful of before you head down to your local CrossFit gym.


There are a couple main problems with CrossFit. The first, is the degree of difficulty of some of the exercises. Have you ever heard of or seen a clean and jerk, a deadlift, or kettlebell swing? Those are some of CrossFit favorites and each of these exercises will use the entire body to complete the action. With these being whole body and usually explosive motions there is a much higher chance of injury. I have heard of a lot of twisted ankles, thrown-out backs, and strained necks with crossfit workouts. This is one reason that most older adults would not feel comfortable doing CrossFit and why the young people love it.

The next issue with CrossFit can be a very serious one. Rhabdomyolysis is a disease that is caused by the muscle tissue getting into the bloodstream. When the muscle fibers break down too much they release a protein called myoglobin into the bloodstream which is then excreted by the kidneys as urine. This myoglobin protein can be harmful to the kidneys and cause kidney damage and can even be fatal. Some symptoms are unusual fatigue, weakness, joint pain or weakness, or dark, red urine. The break down of the muscle fibers can be caused by extreme exertion from a workout, a marathon, or intense training (military boot camp). Now, CrossFit is not the only way you can get rhabdomyolysis but with the format of pushing yourself to finish a workout as fast as possible, it can definitely cause the rare condition.

The Clean and Jerk
Lastly, the other problem with doing CrossFit is that you will have to pay extra for a true CrossFit gym. Trainers can actually now become certified in CrossFit which will raise the cost of attending that gym. I looked online and the first three CrossFit gyms cost around 100-175$ per month depending on how many months you buy at a time.With that though, there is a major benefit to spending the extra cash. When you are attending a true CrossFit gym with a certified trainer you will get much better teaching to help you learn the proper form and technique that can give you the greatest health gains.

In summary, CrossFit is a very intense workout that focuses on whole body movement to engage every muscle to complete each exercise. CrossFit uses the HIIT style of exercise that has been shown to increase your ability to produce energy with or without oxygen. The fast but short intervals of workouts help you increase your stamina, burn more calories, burn more fat, and gives you a healthier heart by keeping your heart rate high during the exercise. On the flip side, CrossFit can potentially be dangerous or harmful due to the high degree of difficulty of the motions and exercises. Also, by pushing yourself too hard or too far can cause the rare rhabdomyolysis. CrossFit can be very productive and effective but you do need to watch out for the side effects before you hop in. I would say though, that if you find the right gym and right trainer that can meet your goals, teach proper form, and encourage you to do your best then CrossFit can be a great way to get an excellent workout.

CrossFit Workout of the Day:

1 Round for Time (Finish it as fast as possible with taking as short of breaks as you can!)

-1 mile run
-100 push-ups
-200 squats
-1 mile run

(I know it seems like a lot of push-ups and squats but shoot for doing 5-10 at a time and then taking a short break and then doing 5-10 more! You can do it!)

Have a great day! Feel that Burn!


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